"No Age, No Limit, Always Life"
Clan related:
Adept on 25/07/11 he was accepted by Dominus.
Sith Disciple on 27/07/11 was promoted by Andri .
Sith Marauder on 27/08/11 was promoted by Shadzy .
Sith Warrior on 28/09/11 was promoted by Val .
Sith Assassin on 28/10/11 was promoted by Blaze .
Sith Inquisitor on 29/11/11 was promoted by Shadzy .
Sith Lord on 29/11/11 was promoted by Shadzy , Mr.JetBlack and Blaze.
Sith Dark Lord on 02/01/12 he was chosen by the Siths to become their Leader .
Sith Lord on 20/10/12 stepped down due to inactivity.
Sith Blademaster on 18/01/14 was promoted by Shadzy and Nichos.
On 16/09/15 was removed from roster due to inactivity.